Publication, 2006
Der Ausstellungskatalog enthält Texte zu den Themen Globalisierung, Fußball und ästhetischer Vermittlung, alle Ausstellungstexte, Fotos der Trikots und Mappings, Fotos und Texte zum Container und seiner Tour durch die WM-Städte.

On the occasion of the football World Cup, the Fanshop of Globalisation exhibition used examples from the world of football to discuss the economic mechanisms, political backdrops and cultural contexts of global economic change. The exhibition topics were (A) Creation of Value, (B) Migration, (C) Cultural Identity, (D) Social Segregation and (E) Interdependence. From May to June 2006, the Fanshop went on tour through Germany, and was visited by several thousand people in Dortmund, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich, Leipzig, Hannover, Hamburg and Berlin.

The catalogue contains featuring textual contributions on the topics of globalisation, football and aesthetic intervention, as well as all exhibition texts, jersey photos, mappings and photos of the cargo container on its tour through the World Cup tournament cities.

Besides the catalogue there was an accompanying card game released.

Friedrich von Borries, Matthias Böttger (Hg.)
Fanshop der Globalisierung
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb), Bonn 2006

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