Exhibition, 2006
On the occasion of the 2006 football World Cup, raumtaktik designed a travelling exhibition for the German Federal Agency for Civic Education. The exhibition exploited the current occupation with football as a way to draw attention to the ongoing economic, political and cultural effects of globalisation. The five sections of the exhibition were “Interdependence,” “Creation of Value,” “Migration,” “Cultural Identity” and “Social Segregation.”

During the World Cup, the exhibition travelled in a converted cargo container to tournament locations throughout Germany, and in 2008, the exhibition went on display at the Austrian Museum for Industrial Democracy. A catalogue and card game were created to accompany the exhibition.

Kuratoren: Friedrich von Borries, Matthias Böttger
Grafikdesign: onlab, Berlin
Team: Martin Germann, Tobias Kurtz, Henry Mertens, Katharina Rohde
Ein Projekt in Kooperation mit der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb)

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